Demonstrative pronoun
Words such as this, that, these, those, such, so, the same used instead of some noun to point to it or them, are called demonstrative pronoun.
This is a BMW Z8 car. That is a Marcedez Benz.
He went to market and that made him tired.
This book is more costly than that.
He went there and that on foot.
They must repay the loan and that within two days.
They did the same as we.
Will it rain? I don’t think so.
You take exercise every morning. So do I.
How do you know this? People say so.
This/that/these/those + noun = Demonstrative Adjective.
This man is good.
This girl is charming.
This movie is amazing.
Indefinite pronoun
Pronouns that refer to persons or things in a general way, but do not refer to any person or thing in particular. They are, therefore, called indefinite persons.
One must use one’s best efforts if one wishes to succeed.
None but fools have ever believed it.
They say he has lost heavily.
All were drowned. Some say he is a terrorist.
Somebody has stolen my mobile phone.
Nobody was there to rescue the child.
Many of them were injured.
We did not see any of them again.
One or other of us will be there.
Do good to others. Did you ask anybody to come?
His words are in everybody’s mouth.
v Indefinite pronoun can also be used as adjective. As-
I will take you there one day.
Any fool can do it.
He is a man of few words.
Some milk was split.
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